Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Seven Laws of Attraction -- Believe It

All changes of expression are brought about through a
change of feeling. A change of feeling is a change of destiny. All creation
occurs in the domain of the subconscious. What you must acquire, then, is a
reflective control of the operation of the subconscious, that is, control of
your ideas and feelings.

Chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you; nor
is predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your
subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world. The
subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and no respecter of persons.
The subconscious is not concerned with the truth or falsity of your feeling.
It always accepts as true that which you feel to be true. Feeling is the
assent of the subconscious to the truth of that which is declared to be
true. Because of this quality of the subconscious there is nothing
impossible to man. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true,
the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern
from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of

The subconscious never fails to express that which has been impressed upon
it. The moment it receives an impression it begins to work out the ways of
its expression. It accepts the feeling impressed upon it, your feeling, as a
fact existing within itself and immediately sets about to produce in the
outer or objective world the exact likeness of that feeling. The
subconscious never alters the accepted beliefs of man. It out-pictures them
to the last detail whether or not they are beneficial.

To impress the subconscious with the desirable state you must assume the
feeling that would be yours had you already realized your wish. In defining
your objective you must be concerned only with the objective itself. The
manner of expression or the difficulties involved are not to be considered
by you. To think feelingly on any state impresses it on the subconscious.
Therefore, if you dwell on difficulties, barriers or delay, the
subconscious, by its very non-selective nature, accepts the feelings of
difficulties and obstacles as your request and proceeds to produce them in
your outer world.

The subconscious is the womb of creation. It receives the idea unto itself
through the feelings of man. It never changes the idea received, but always
gives it form. Hence the subconscious out-pictures the idea in the image and
likeness of the feeling received. To feel a state as hopeless or impossible
is to impress the subconscious with the idea of failure.

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